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- CS-ID: #13336.amy/amynet@pro-pac 8442 chars
- Date: Fri, 3 Feb 89 06:44:08 HST
- From: bryce@cbmvax.UUCP (Bryce Nesbitt)
- Subject: Multiple serial article from the European Developer's Conference
- --------------------------------------------
- -- Amiga Multiple Serial Ports: User View --
- --------------------------------------------
- Software
- --------
- The current version of the Amiga has only one serial port. Since many
- devices can interface with a serial port, having more serial ports is an
- obvious improvement.
- New system software has been developed for the Amiga which will allow
- plug in cards with extra serial ports to be used. A typical setup on a
- four port machine might be:
- Port 1 - Connected to a MIDI keyboard
- Port 2 - connected to a modem
- Port 3 - connected to a printer
- Port 4 - connected to a home-control device
- Extra serial ports will also allow applications such as a multiple line
- bulletin board system (BBS) with several modems connected to a single
- computer. Such a BBS could support simultaneous users.
- Multiple serial ports are implemented in a way which is compatible with
- existing software.
- o Old applications that ask for the serial port will be given
- the "default" port. Using the Preferences tool, the user will
- be able to set the default to any valid port.
- o New programs will provide a way for the user to select the serial
- port to use. If the user selects the number "0" or the word
- "default", the program will connect to the default port which is set
- in Preferences. The built-in port is unit 1. Extra serial ports
- are numbered from two upward.
- o From BASIC and the CLI, ports may be directly accessed in the
- same manner as works today:
- SER: = the default port
- SER1: = the built-in port
- SER2: = the second port
- SER3: = the third port
- SER4: = the fifth port
- Hardware
- ---------
- In addition to the new software support, Commodore is developing a plug in
- card with multiple serial ports. All Commodore multiple serial port cards
- will have a simple installation procedure:
- o Insert the serial card into a slot.
- o Boot up with the normal Workbench disk or hard drive.
- o Insert the disk that comes with each serial card.
- o Double click on the "Install Drivers" icon.
- o To remove a driver, double click on the "Remove Drivers" icon.
- Any number of cards may be installed. Advanced users may install the
- driver software manually instead of using the installation icon.
- Commodore's design for matching ports on cards with unit numbers is simple.
- Port number 1 is the serial port built into each Amiga. Higher port numbers
- indicate extra serial ports the user has added with a plug in card.
- The bottom plug on a card is given the lowest unit number.
- ---------------------------------------------------
- --- Amiga Multiple Serial Ports: Device Driver ---
- ---------------------------------------------------
- A Commodre support document will be available for people who wish to write
- multiple serial port device drivers. The document is available by request
- only. We may send updates to the document, and require the name and
- address of a contact person.
- To request the support document, send your name, address, telephone number
- and a short description of your hardware to:
- Commodore Business Machines
- 1200 West Wilson Drive
- West Chester, PA 19380-4231
- ------------------------------------------------------
- --- Amiga Multiple Serial Ports: Programmer's View ---
- ------------------------------------------------------
- If you are writing serial port applications for the Amiga, you can now
- add support for multiple serial port cards. This is easy to do and
- will give your program extra power.
- On an Amiga with one serial port the code needed to open the serial port
- looks like this:
- error = OpenDevice("serial.device", 0, myIORequest, 0);
- /*
- * BYTE=OpenDevice(char *,ULONG,struct IORequest *,ULONG);
- *
- * "serial.device" = name of the device
- * 0 = unit number (unused)
- * myIORequest = a blank extended trackdisk IORequest
- * 0 = flags (unused)
- */
- To work with multiple serial ports, just one very simple addition is
- required:
- error = OpenDevice("serial.device", myUnit, myIORequest, 0);
- /*
- * BYTE=OpenDevice(char *,ULONG,struct IORequest *,ULONG);
- *
- * "serial.device" = name of the device
- * myUnit = which unit to try and open
- * myIORequest = a blank extended trackdisk IORequest
- * 0 = flags (unused)
- */
- Notice that the second parameter has changed. Under the old system, unit
- number was always set to 0. Now the unit number is used to identify
- which of the serial ports should be used. The unit assignments are:
- Unit 0 = default port, settable from Preferences
- Unit 1 = the built-in serial port
- Unit 2 = the first extended unit
- Unit n = last extended unit
- System support for a multiple port serial card requires changes to some of
- the system files on disk. These files have been changed:
- devs:serial.device ;exec support
- l:port-handler ;AmigaDOS support
- Preferences ;default port selector buttons
- User Interface
- --------------
- Your application must allow the user to set the unit number. There are
- several ways to do this.
- o Use the TOOLTYPES field of the icon. Each icon has a
- TOOLTYPES field which you can fill in with UNIT=0.
- The user can modify the number later if needed. You
- could also go one more step, and add DEVICE=serial.device
- to this field.
- o Have an option that brings up a box with a "default" gadget
- and a string gadget for typing in a number.
- o Add a menu or submenu like this:
- ---------------
- | |
- | unit number |
- | -----------
- ----------| default |
- | 1 |
- | 2 |
- | 3 |
- | 4 |
- |* 5 |
- | 6 |
- | 7 |
- | 8 |
- -----------
- There are two disadvantages to this method. First, you
- cannot find out how many units are connected with the
- current serial.device. Second, the number of ports
- available could exceed the vertical size of a menu.
- Future Design Issues
- --------------------
- Plans for the V1.4 serial.device include several sensible extensions to the
- current command set. For example, the best way to read under the current
- serial.device is:
- o Send a CMD_QUERY to see how many bytes are in the buffer.
- o If there are any bytes, get them ALL with a CMD_READ.
- o Else post a CMD_READ for exactly one byte. When it returns,
- loop back to step #1.
- With the old serial.device, this was the only way to get acceptable
- performance at high baud rates. With the new serial.device, one will be
- able to set a bit to request all available bytes from the serial port
- (up to the size of the user buffer). The request will be held by the
- device until at least one byte is ready.
- The OpenDevice() call does not support a version number check at present.
- In most cases there is no need to check the version number since the new
- serial device is backward compatible. However, if you do need to find the
- version number of the serial device, you should first open the device and
- then look at the LIB_VERSION word in the device base. Versions 36 and higher
- support multiple ports. Versions 35 and lower ignore the unit number field.
- The Amiga's built-in serial port can generate any baud rate in the range
- 108 to 1,000,000 baud. However, off-the-shelf serial chips usually only
- support the standard rates such as:
- 110 600 9600
- 150 1200 19200
- 300 2400 38400
- Also, standard serial chips usually do not support the MIDI baud rate (31250).
- Since most multiple serial port cards will be using standard serial chips,
- the extra ports will not support all the different baud rates that the
- built-in serial port does. There is no way for a serial.device client to
- find out the capabilities of a specific serial unit at present.
- |\_/| . ACK!, NAK!, EOT!, SOH!
- {o O} . Bryce Nesbitt
- (") BIX: bnesbitt
- U USENET: cbmvax!bryce@uunet.uu.NET -or- rutgers!cbmvax!bryce
- CS-ID: #13339.amy/amynet@pro-pac 739 chars
- Date: Fri, 3 Feb 89 06:44:28 HST
- From: 24847843%WSUVM1.BITNET@cunyvm.cuny.edu (Shawn Clabough)
- Subject: Re: 68020 boards
- I have a short benchmark that I ran using my old Processor Accelerator
- benchmark. It plots two sine waves on the screen and displays how long
- it took to complete. In standard 68000 mode it took 51.3 seconds to
- complete. With my A2620 in 68020 mode it took 1.5 seconds (yes 1.5).
- The program was compiled with the 1.3 IEEE libraries, so it took
- advantage of the 68881. I imagine that if this program was written with
- inline code for the 68020/881 it would be even faster.
- How much do the A2620's cost? I'm selling them for $1575 (retail $1995)
- Shawn Clabough
- Lombards Underground Computers
- 24847843@WSUVM1.BITNET
- CS-ID: #13345.amy/amynet@pro-pac 2544 chars
- Date: Fri, 3 Feb 89 06:44:55 HST
- From: perry@madnix.UUCP (Perry Kivolowitz)
- Subject: Re: Serial Ports
- Kim,
- Your facts are all basically correct concerning the serial port solution
- provided by the Twin-X General Purpose I/O board. Let me clarify a few
- points:
- The list prices are:
- Twin-X board (supports 2 modules): $329
- SBX-Serial/2 (dual serial ports): $199
- SBX-Serial/4 (quad serial ports): $299 * you might have missed this one.
- There's also
- SBX-GPIB (ieee-488 interface): $199
- You might have missed the information on the SBX-Serial/4 which will
- allow up to eight serial ports on one Twin-X card.
- I agree with you that the general approach of the Twin-X concept comes
- with some added cost. Our goal was to be able to make the Amiga available
- to many hundreds of different input/output modules with one broad stroke.
- It is true that while providing the capability for adding rather esoteric
- i/o functions, we've caused the price of basic i/o functions to be a little
- higher (do keep in mind the average discount a dealer gives so the prices
- are actually a little lower).
- Wouldn't it be nice though to be able to combine an esoteric function like
- a VPI interface (Versatec Plotter Interface) with a 16 bit a to d converter
- for that otherwise impossible application your boss may have just handed
- you? Or maybe you need a stepper motor controller and a 32K static battery
- backed up ram module. Or......
- It is no secret that ASDG has always provided industrial grade equipment (as
- opposed to consumer grade). And, we've never pretended our hardware products
- were the cheapest, either.
- It is also no secret that we aren't consumer oriented when it comes to hardware
- (software is a different side of our business altogether). We
- certainly don't entertain any false hopes of going one on one with consumer
- oriented producers competing solely on a basis of price. Especially with a white
- bread type function as serial ports.
- But then... we do have the advantage of being first you see. And another
- advantage of high reliability and performance. So there'll be a large
- amount of consumer sales of even this product. When these advantages are
- gone (perhaps in 6 to 12 months) we still have our primary customer who
- requires some extra serial ports AND an i/o function that only Twin-X
- can provide.
- So, in summary...sure our serial port solution might be higher in cost
- than some. But then again...its available now...and it works.
- See ya.
- Perry
- --
- Perry Kivolowitz, ASDG Inc.
- ARPA: madnix!perry@cs.wisc.edu {uunet|ncoast}!marque!
- UUCP: {harvard|rutgers|ucbvax}!uwvax!astroatc!nicmad!madnix!perry